DittoBOT Command List

Getting Started

/start [starter]

Start your pokemon journey! starter - Your starter pokemon. Leave blank to view starter options.


View a tutorial to get you started with DittoBOT.



Breed two pokemon. pokes - The pokemon numbers of the two pokemon to breed, separated by a space.

/breedswith [filter_args]

Filter your pokemon to show only ones that can breed with the provided pokemon. poke - The pokemon that will be used to check compatibility. filter_args - Extra arguments to filter with. See ## /filter for more information.


View the breeding cooldown for your mother pokemon.


View your unhatched eggs.


/open common

Open a radiant chest.

/open rare

Open a radiant chest.

/open mythic

Open a radiant chest.

/open legend

Open a radiant chest.

/radiant [pack]

Spend your radiant gems. pack - The pack number to buy. Do not pass this arg to view the packs.


/duel single

Engage in a pokemon duel. user - The user to duel.

/duel party

Engage in a pokemon duel. user - The user to duel.

/duel npc

Engage in a pokemon duel.

Pokemon Setup


Select a pokemon. poke - The pokemon number to select, or "new".

/add evs

Add evs to your select pokemon. amount - The amount of ev points to add. stat - The stat to add ev points to.

/change nature

Change the nature of your selected pokemon. nature - The nature to make your selected pokemon.


Teach your selected pokemon a move. slot - The move slot to learn this move in. move - The move to learn.


View the moves of your selected pokemon.


View the learnable moves of your selected pokemon.

/nick [nick]

Change your pokemon's nickname. nick - The nickname to set it as. Leave blank to clear.


Unequip the held item from your selected pokemon.


Equip a held item on your selected pokemon. item - The item to equip.


Apply an item to your selected pokemon. item - The item to apply.

Personal (trainer info)


Show some stats about yourself.

/trainer [user]

Show your trainer card, or the trainer card of another member. user - The user who's card will be shown. Leave blank to show your card.


Change your trainer nickname, which is shown on pokemon you catch. nick - The nickname to set it as.

/bal [user]

Show your balance, or the balance of another member. user - The user who's balance will be shown. Leave blank to show your balance.



Fish for some pokemon.



Lunarizes the selected Necrozma into Necrozma-dawn form. lunala - The lunala to fuse with.


Solarizes the selected Necrozma into Necrozma-dusk form. solgaleo - The solgaleo to fuse with.


Fuses the selected Kyurem or Calyrex to change its form. form - The form to make this poke. poke - The poke to fuse with.


Deforms your selected pokemon.


Forms your selected pokemon. form - The form to form into.

/mega evolve

Mega evolve your selected pokemon.

/mega devolve

Mega evolve your selected pokemon.

/mega x

Mega evolve your selected pokemon.

/mega y

Mega evolve your selected pokemon.


Drop your selected pokemon's equipped item.


Transfer your selected pokemon's equipped item to another pokemon. poke - The pokemon number to transfer the item to

/cash out

Convert your coins to credits. amount - The amount of coins to convert.


/m add

Interact with the market. poke - The pokemon to add to the market. price - The price to list the pokemon for.

/m buy <listing_id>

Interact with the market. listing_id - The ID of the listing you want to buy.

/m remove <listing_id>

Interact with the market. listing_id - The ID of the listing you want to remove.

/m i <listing_id>

Interact with the market. listing_id - The ID of the listing you want to view.


Make a donation to the bot and get some redeems.


/mission list

View today's missions.

/mission claim

View today's missions.


/party view

Manage your party.

/party add [poke]

Manage your party. slot - The party slot to add the pokemon in. poke - The pokemon you want to add. Leave blank to add your selected pokemon.

/party remove

Manage your party. slot - The party slot to remove the pokemon from.

/party register

Manage your party. name - The name to register your party under.

/party deregister

Manage your party. name - The name of the party to deregister.

/party load

Manage your party. name - The name of the party to load.

/party list

Manage your party.


/pokedex national

View your pokedex.

/pokedex unowned

View your pokedex.


/spread honey

Spread honey in your server to attract rare pokemon.


View stats abour your server.


Release a pokemon. poke - The pokemon number to release, or "new".


View various leaderboards for DittoBOT. board - The leaderboard to view.


Change your region to make your pokes evolve into regional forms. region - The region to enter.


Toggle allowing others to view your ## /bal.


View recent updates to the bot.


Toggle silencing level up messages for your pokemon.


View some statistics about DittoBOT.


Claim rewards in exchange for 5 upvote points.




Upvote the bot and get upvote points.


Claim redeems for being a patreon.


Invite DittoBOT to your server.

Official Server

/nitro claim

Claim rewards for boosting the DittoBOT Official Server.

Pokemon Listing


List your owned pokemon.

/fav list

View your pokedex.

/fav add [poke]

View your pokedex. poke - The pokemon number to add. If not provided, your selected pokemon is used instead.

/fav remove [poke]

View your pokedex. poke - The pokemon number to remove. If not provided, your selected pokemon is used instead.

/f m [args]

Filter your pokemon. args - Arguments to filter with. For more information about this, see ## /tutorial.

/f p [args]

Filter your pokemon. args - Arguments to filter with. For more information about this, see ## /tutorial.

/tags list

Add tags to your pokemon for easy filtering. poke - The pokemon number, or "new".

/tags add

Add tags to your pokemon for easy filtering. tag - The tag to add. pokes - The pokemon number(s), or "new".

/tags remove

Add tags to your pokemon for easy filtering. tag - The tag to remove. pokes - The pokemon number(s), or "new".

/order ivs

Change the default order of your pokemon.

/order default

Change the default order of your pokemon.

/order evs

Change the default order of your pokemon.

/order name

Change the default order of your pokemon.

/order level

Change the default order of your pokemon.

Info## /Viewing Pokemon

/i [poke]

View information on a pokemon. poke - The pokemon number, or "new". If not provided, your selected pokemon is used instead.

/qi [poke]

View information on a pokemon in a more compact format. poke - The pokemon number, or "new". If not provided, your selected pokemon is used instead.

/lookup move

Lookup data on pokemon. move - The move to get data about.

/lookup ability

Lookup data on pokemon. ability - The ability to get data about.

/lookup type

Lookup data on pokemon. type - The type to get data about.



View the different redeemable packs.

/redeem [item]

Spend your redeems. item - What you want to buy with your redeems. Leave blank to see what you can buy.


Redeem multiple of the same item at once. amount - The number of the item to redeem. item - The item to redeem. Can be a pokemon name or "credits".

/buy redeems [amount]

Buy items. amount - The amount to buy. Leave blank to view how many you can buy this week.

Server Configuration and Setup

/auto delete

Have the bot automatically perform certain actions on spawns.

/auto pin

Have the bot automatically perform certain actions on spawns.

/redirect add [channel]

Redirect spawns to specific channels. channel - The channel to add. If not provided, the current channel will be used.

/redirect remove [channel]

Redirect spawns to specific channels. channel - The channel to remove. If not provided, the current channel will be used.

/redirect clear

Redirect spawns to specific channels.

/commands disable [channel]

Set whether commands can be used in a channel. channel - The channel to disable commands in. If not provided, the current channel will be used.

/commands enable [channel]

Set whether commands can be used in a channel. channel - The channel to enable commands in. If not provided, the current channel will be used.

/spawns disable [channel]

Set whether pokemon can spawn in a channel. channel - The channel to disable spawns in. If not provided, the current channel will be used.

/spawns enable [channel]

Set whether pokemon can spawn in a channel. channel - The channel to enable spawns in. If not provided, the current channel will be used.

/spawns small

Set whether pokemon can spawn in a channel.

Shop and items

/shop [shop]

View items in the shop. shop - The shop to view. Leave blank to view the shops.

/buy item

Buy items. item - The item to buy.

/buy daycare [amount]

Buy items. amount - The number of spaces to buy. Defaults to 1.

/buy coins

Buy items. amount - The number of coins to buy.

/buy vitamins

Buy items. vitamin - The vitamin to buy. amount - The number of vitamins to buy.

/buy candy [amount]

Buy items. amount - The number of rare candies to buy. Defaults to 1.

/buy chest <credits_or_redeems>

Buy items. rarity - The chest rarity to buy. credits_or_redeems - Whether you want to spend credits or redeems.


View the contents of your bag.



Gift some credits to another user. user - The user to give credits to. amount - The amount of credits to give.


Give a pokemon to another user. user - The user to give the pokemon to. poke - The pokemon to give.


Start an interactive trade with another user. user - The user to trade with.



/sell item [amount]

Sell different things. item - The name of the item you'd like to sell. amount - The amount you'd like to sell. Defaults to 1.

/sell egg

Sell different things. num - The egg's number, or "new".


/skin apply

Manage your pokemon skins. poke - The pokemon number to add the skin to. skin - The name of the skin to apply.

/skin list

Manage your pokemon skins.

/skin preview

Manage your pokemon skins. poke - The pokemon name the skin is for. skin - The name of the skin to preview.

Shadow Hunting


Select a pokemon to shadow hunt for, giving a chance to get a shadow skin for it. poke - The pokemon to hunt for.


/easter buy [option]

Easter related commands. option - The option number you want to buy. Ommit this to see the list of choices, with prices.

/easter list

Easter related commands.

/easter convert [egg]

Easter related commands. egg - The egg to convert into. Requires one of each egg from the tier below this egg's tier to convert.

Last updated